Series 205 Series & 5000s (Made in IWK) TF2

Series 205 Series & 5000s (Made in IWK) TF2
When transferring to the Musashino Line, it was necessary to increase the number of electric vehicles to cope with the steep slope. As a result, there was a shortage of electric vehicles.
The number of electric vehicles has been reduced from 6M2T to 4M4T by applying VVVF construction.
There are 11 variations, so please use one for each application. There is only one color.
Series 205 with a diamond-shaped pantograph car
2 Musashino line specification 205 series 5000th diamond type pantograph car
Destination display settings will be implemented in a future update.
Capacity = 1Car 33
Set appearance year: 1985 – to infinity (subject to change)
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