Skin Change Option – Teesside Steelmaster for Killakanz’ Class 37 Set Mod

Skin Change Option – Teesside Steelmaster for Killakanz’ Class 37 Set Mod
This model REPLACES the Colas livery in Killakrantz’s original (which is required for this mod to work). Why replace the Colas? I did this reskin for personal use but thought others might like it – The Colas 37 appears a bit late for my liking (2007) and I’m not a fan of the livery.
The Class 37 37501 “Teesside Steelmaster” had an unusual and original light blue livery, and was used for steel transportation services between Bescot and York and beyond. It becomes available in 1985.
Only the skin is my work. Model and all other is work is that of Killakanz.