Sloped Train Station TF2

Sloped Train Station TF2
With this mod you will be able to build train station with slope.
Slope can be set in construction menu when building a new train station.
There is also option for how to build station buildings:
Slope – buildings will have same slope as platform and track (simple, but not much realistic)
Terrace – each buildings will be on flat surface and at own elevation according to the elevation of adjacent platform (more realistic, but not yet graphically polished – missing buildings faces etc.)
Fully Compatible:
Enhanced train station cargo capacity
NL Modular station
Stations forever
Extended Station Configuration Options
Train station modul / transparent turquoise glass
and another mods with modified modules/trainstationutils.lua, if there won’t be changes in track definitions
Slope settings can’t be changed once train station is built. Only way to change it is to bulldoze old station and build new with different settings
Safe to add to the existing game
Safe to remove, but when you try to modify sloped station, slope will be reset to zero, which can lead to conflicts with other buildings/tracks.