South Africa Complete 40 Cities Mod

South Africa Complete 40 Cities Mod
A complete map of South Africa. All major Cities are included and some with special interest.
– Saldanha Bay with a natural harbor.
– Deneysville on the banks of the Vaal Dam.
– East London with its harbor within the Buffalo River Mouth.
– 4 Dams
A lot of time were spend on painting various parts of the country in order to provide a more realistic effect and special attention were given to places of interest so as not to have boring scenery.
The map is large – Megalomaniac 1.1. Experimental Sizes must be activated – “How to?” on you tube
Map starts in 1850 – basic road structure is done, however National roads and Freeways needs to be constructed as this came much later – that’s what makes the game fun!
Rail in South Africa:
Until shortly before the end of the nineteenth century, South Africa was mainly an undeveloped agricultural country. The population was sparsely distributed over wide areas and depended for its existence on agriculture and stock farming. Exports, in the form of provisions to passing ships, initially consisted mainly of wine, fruit, vegetables and meat; but with the development of the interior the export of wool, skins, hides and ostrich feathers became more important. The largest concentration of the agricultural industry initially existed in the Western Cape. Subsequently, with the increased export of wool, skins and hides from the Eastern Cape and sugar from Natal came the development of the Port Elizabeth, East London and Durban harbours. This pattern of establishment had a very important effect on subsequent transport developments. With the discovery of diamonds in 1868 and gold in 1886 South Africa made great and almost unmanageable strides forward in its economic development. The rapidly increasing demands of the mining industry and the fast expanding towns and cities accompanied by the ever-increasing demands for housing and consumer products converted the country within a remarkably short period from an undeveloped agricultural country into one of urban economy.
On Tuesday, 26 June 1860 Durban : First train journey – 3 miles long.
The Cape Line, 1861 – All the way from the Leith works in Scotland, a small steam engine built by Hawthorne and Co. arrived in Cape Town harbour in September of 1859. It had been imported by Edward Pickering, the British contractor commissioned to build a railway from Cape Town to Wellington, a distance over mountainous terrain of just over 70 kilometres.
By 1869 diamonds had been discovered in Kimberley, which was geographically right in the middle of the country, creating an urgent need for a cheaper, quicker mode of transport for men and goods to the hinterland.By 1885 Kimberley was successfully linked to Cape Town.
Gold was discovered in the Transvaal (north of the Vaal River) and the line was extend through the Orange Free State towards the Transvaal border
The line from Port Elizabeth to De Aar passed through Noupoort in the Northern Cape. In 1889 extent from Noupoort through Colesburg to enter the Free State at Norvals Pont. The line was continued northwards to reach Springfontein where in 1892 the Eastern Cape line would connect, and pressed on to reach Bloemfontein in late 1890.
The Iron Road: Pretoria to Lourenco Marques , 1887- 1895
Diesel came in 1960
Wellington, Colesberg, Sprinfontein are not included as these towns are too close for realistic rail works. De Aar and Bloemfontein included.
1. Link Cape Town , Kimberley by 1885
2. 1870 the 150 kilometre long copper ore line from Port Nolloth on the Atlantic coast to the mines at O‟Kiep. Heavy
Haul – 20 Wagons.
3. 1889 Kimberley – Vryburg
4. 1891 Vryburg – Mafeking
5. 1891 Port Elizabeth, De Aar – Bloemfontein, Johannesburg
6.1923 Union Express trains which began taking passengers from Johannesburg to the ships departing from
Cape Town to England. Dining saloon was included on these trains. Route : Pretoria, Kimberley, Cape Town (Blue Train)
6. 1924 First electric train Durban – Ladysmith
7. Built in 1976, the Richards Bay Coal Terminal is the country’s premier bulk port. Coal line from Pretoria Area to
Richards Bay. Electric
8. The Sishen–Saldanha line was built by Iscor in 1976. The iron and steel line. Heavy Haul.
Rail Map dated 1892 and 1980 included
Be sure to check on traffic between Johannesburg and Pretoria – Gold fever may have these towns in a serious jam if not managed.
Work still in progress – Hope you enjoy