SS. Great Eastern

SS. Great Eastern
A very, very big ship
No, you do not understand the scale of this thing.
This was the largest THING IN THE WORLD when it was built, and the largest moving object for the entirety of her life
Her size was only exceeded by the White Star Line’s Oceanic class of ships in the early 1900s.
Everything about this ship is next-level big, here’s a list:
The largest propeller ever fitted to a ship at 7.3m diameter
Largest paddle wheels ever fitted at 17m diameter
Six masts, named after the days of the week
Five funnels (not named after the days of the week)
Capacity for 4000 passengers (400 in-game)
18,915 Gross Registered Tons (that’s a lot)
Length of 692 ft (211 m)
The beam of 82 ft (25 m)
I have tried to scale the ship the best I can in Transport Fever 2, however, I believe it still came out smaller than the real thing.