Station Fixer Helper Mod

Station Fixer Helper Mod
So hopefully you read this before trying out the fix.
This mod contains a few fixes I’ve provided directly to people and one extra.
This mod will fix Oppies NL station so that it will accept custom tracks.
It will also fix any station based on Oppies code in the same way. E.g. the SWT station mod.
It also fixes the issue with custom tracks in Celmis kings cross mods.
Celmi already fixed the custom track issue, but you had people waist-deep in the platform
This mod fixes that, too.
This will also work with atlits 50×50 bigger station mod.
(actually with this installed you won’t need it because all that mod does is change 2 values in the trainstationutil script.
– I had a choice can make it work with either his 100×100 mod or 50×50 mod. I chose the 50×50 because for me the 100×100 mod slows things down too much.
Also with Lolas’ larger modular station – as it’s the same change as Atlits above.
So that was all the good stuff – Here’s the bad news.
The only way to fix some of this was to overwrite the trainstationutil script.
You should never do this, as in never overwrite a vanilla script. – Apart from anything else, you can only have one mod loaded that has changed the script.
So 2 warnings.
1. Use this at your own risk. Test it with the station mods you use first.
2. Although you shouldn’t do it – Other station mods may have overwritten the same script, this will break those mods.
3. make sure it’s the last mod enabled / or at least after all the station mods are loaded.