Tatra K5AR Cairo (Káhira)

Tatra K5AR Cairo (Káhira)
Tatra K5 is a two-way double tram produced by the Czechoslovak company ČKD Praha, the race Tatra Smíchov at the beginning of the 1970s. This type, derived from the unidirectional variant of TATRA K2, was exclusively supplied by the Cairo Tram Network operator in 200. However, due to challenging climatic conditions and poor maintenance, the cars in operation were kept for about one decade.
Behind the supplies of Czechoslovak tram’s Tatra K5, developed in the mid-1960s, Egypt at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s is apparently lost by the Arab-Israeli War in 1967 and the convergence of the Republic of Egypt with the Soviet Union and other states of the Eastern Bloc. From the then official name of Egypt, the so-called United Arab Republic is probably derived and the export version (export version label), which is often used in the Tram title (as Tatra K5AR).
Type K5
Manufacturer of ČKD Praha,
Tatra L Smíchov plant
Prototype (s) 1967 (1968?)
Production in 1970-1973
Made of pieces of 200
Emergency weight 22,200 kg
Max. speed 60 km / h
4 × 44.5 kW motor performance and power