Two Rivers Mod

Two Rivers Mod
Two Rivers is “Huge” map based on the development of a river valley, as was common in the 1800s in the Eastern United States. The large cities and heavy industry are located along the rivers. Raw materials and small towns will be found in the rolling hills surrounding the river valleys. Over time, the cities along the river valley will expand towards each other creating traffic problems that will need to be constantly be managed.
The map is set on Hard mode and begins in 1890 and should be very challenging from day one all the way through 2020 and beyond. In the beginning you will struggle to make a profit. Next you will struggle on how to get resources to the cities. Later you will struggle on dealing with traffic jams.
Industries and raw materials have been strategically placed to create numerous challenges. I’ve played it through to 2020 and it is very much playable with the industries as placed, so there should be no reason to add any more industries. Many of the industries have been customized with props to make them more realistic and unique looking.
The map utilizes some very basic industry mods so some industries will produce a lot of materials, and others not very much. Make sure to install the recommended mods, or you will not have the correct industry production levels.
As an additional challenge, every city begins requiring mail, food and fuel, so you will need to start trying to get these to all the cities. As each city grows over time, different goods will be required.
High end PC will be needed towards the end.
Error message: error: res/scripts/industryutil.lua:127: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
=[C](-1): ?
=[C](-1): assert
@res/scripts/industryutil.lua(127): ?
@res/config/base_config.lua(41): ?
File name: res/construction/industry/farm.con
Key: game/config/ConstructWithModules