Vehicle Asset Builder

Vehicle Asset Builder
With this mod, assets of all vehicles (including mods) can be placed.
In the category ‘Vehicles’ are the following types:
Multiple Units
This is a pure script mod and does not contain any models, it accesses the existing ones, which has pros and cons.
The vehicle mdl directly as an asset can cause undesirable effects with smoke, lights, colors, dirt.
It is not possible to make these adjustments by script, I tried that.
In some cases, a dedicated asset mod is probably better.
No line and maneuvering necessary
Savegame compatible (since no own models)
Asset clickable and modifiable
Centimeter-precise shift, so that perfect “coupling” of wagons is possible
Promille-precise slope so that the assets can also be used on uneven ground
All models smoke (stronger than usual, therefore recommended: Smoke Reduction)
Lights are always on
Color cannot be changed
Within each vehicle category, the vehicles can be selected via a ComboBox and are sorted by availability year.
Logo materials are filtered out, as the vanilla vehicles have remains of TPF1 logos (shouldn’t cause complications, anyway can be switched off with the setting).