Virginian EL-2B

Virginian EL-2B
Model History
The EL-2B was a dual unit electric capable of, 6800HP in tractive effort, weighing in at a massive 1 million pounds and over 15′ tall before the panto’s. 4 were made for Virginian Railways in their electrified division through the Virginian mountains to haul coal.
They ran from 1948-1959 when its competitor, Norfolk, and Western, bought the company and started to end the electrification. Unfortunately, none of these were saved from scrap and none exist today.
Model Details
Available 1948-1959
N&W Skin 1959-1982
TE @ 6894HP
VGN = 50mph, N&W = 65mph
Whistles at Stations feature
4k textures
Model Citizen Knucklepro Couplers
The crew only in the front cab
A200 Horn by MrCheesecake
Bell at low speeds
Rear unit does not have lit lights
Weight of course is 1,000,000 lbs.
Multi-unit only
Due to the catenary being low in the game, I designed it to reach the same height as the vanilla GG1. In real life, the catenary for Virginian was around 25-35ft tall.
Update 1.5
New lights!
N&W Skin, 1959-1982
More realistic turning
Now with 3 LODs
Moved cabin closer to the windshield so no gap between cabin and body
Rear units no longer have an missive light
Update 1.9
Updated Headlight Textures
Recolorable Unit Set
More Roadnumbers, Under a group menu
As promised, Asset Versions!
Lit numberboards
Various small fixes
Now has dirt maps!
Future Plans
Fix gap between the body and bogies
Fixed sounds, no bell or horn from the secondary unit
For TpF3: Redo the nose and windows and more detailed trucks.