What content can added or changed by modding in Transport Fever 2?

What content can added or changed by modding in Transport Fever 2?
What is a Transport Fever 2 mod?
Mod is an abbreviation for modification and therefore, mods modify or extend a game.
What content can added or changed by modding in Transport Fever?
Typical examples in the context of Transport Fever are:
stations, townbuildings and industries
tracks, streets, tunnels, bridges, signals, and crossings
depots and shipyards
brush and track assets
sounds, shader, and terrain
missions and campaigns
terrain and GUI elements
game balancing
Learn more about on how to install and use mods.
Safe railroad crossings.
Is the railroad crossing functionality moddable? Because in TpF1 there functionality is quite unrealistic. Like trains driving on crossings which gates are not fully closed. And cars or pedestrians driving or walking through not fully opened gates! I hope this is solved in TpF2 or moddable to make crossings as safe as they should be.
Moddable halted train to signal distance?
When a train stops in front of a red signal in TpF1 it is so close to the signal the driver can’t even see the signal anymore. Is this distance in TpF2 more realistic like 10 meters (30 feet) or is it made moddable?
This should be mod-able by adjusting the position of the signal object compared to the actual control position on the track. Done this in a private mod in TpF1. Will look into porting it to TpF2 and making it public.
could narrow gauge railways be added? and could they be set to have tighter curves like real narrow gauge?