Windvale Mod

Windvale Mod
– Windvale is a small map with the aspect 1:3
– Starts in the year 1850
– I wanted to create a fun map that has room for long trains, but isn’t as demanding on lower spec PCs
– contains 3 ‘towns (‘huge’) and 9 villages (‘tiny’)
– towns require 1 shopping and 1 industry product
– villages just contain people, to be transported!#
– some resources are far away, and some are close, hopefully in a logical order
– Easter egg hunt! Can you find the three stone circles and one stone alter?
– please let me know if you think I can improve anything, as this is my first map 🙂
Windvale was once a bustling community, due to the immense abundance of natural resources. The local druids of the neighbouring lands where angered when large scale extraction of resources where pillaged by the villagers. A bitter war began and lasted for many years. Over the years the druids numbers grew fewer, until defeat loomed. The last few druids would not accept defeat and fled to their sacred stone circles. They channelled ancient rituals, causing the great river of Wind Valley, the River Gust, to burst it’s banks and cause wide scale flooding and destruction in Windvale. The druids were defeated, but so too were the villagers of Wind Valley.
However, due to it geography the tiny village of Ashurst was not flooded, and became the only settlement remaining in the region. Ashurst town council voted to rename the village to Hope after the great flood. The villagers of Hope worked together to bore a tunnel through the great Zephyr mountain range to reestablish contact with Windvale, to the villagers horror, nothing remained of Windvale, in its place was smooth land, worn away by the heavy flow. With destruction, comes new life, the villagers of hope found many natural resources had been exposed by the flooding, and with no druids around they were ripe for harvesting. This lead to the foundation of a new village, Newhaven, on the banks of the River Gust. The villagers of both settlements established roads and build three large towns near many of these resources.
The town of Storm was constructed first, for its centralised location in the valley. The great floods wiped out much of the flora in the area, but near the town of Storm is an untouched elevated region of woodland. Storm also has a large quarry. Both of these resources have been used by the villagers to establish industries in Storm, such as the Saw Mill and tool factory as well as the Construction Material Plant. With access to these tools and wood the town has florished and developed a reputation for production of superior goods. The town of Storm has three sister villagers, Fazeley – situated near a bountiful seem of coal, shared by the village of Lytham St. Annes. The bridge between Storm and Hope was constructed by villagers from Hetton, which contines to maintain the bridge to this day. However, Storm is exposed to the elements in the centre of the valley, there is great demand for fuel and food in the town to keep the villagers happy.
Just down the road the town of Gale was formed. Gale is the town to the following sister villages: Hope and Newhaven – the progenitors to the rebirth of the valley, who are situated close to oil fields. And to Eastwood, with it’s rich iron deposits.