World Monuments Collection N.26 – Ulmer Munster (Ulm, Germany)

World Monuments Collection N.26 – Ulmer Munster (Ulm, Germany)
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The Greater Ulm Church (Ulmer Münster) is the main Lutheran church in the German city of Ulm. The 14th-century Gothic-style building was completed in the 19th century. It is the tallest church in the world, with a 161.53-meter-high spire. Initially, it was a Catholic church, but after the Reformation (1529) it became Protestant. From its upper end, you can enjoy an unbeatable view of the city of Ulm in Baden-Württemberg and New Ulm in Bavaria. From an ecclesiastical point of view, it is not a cathedral, since a bishop has never resided in it. Use the mod Advance Person Magnet if you want to attract people. We hope you like it again.