Asset Old Cargos Mod

Asset Old Cargos Mod
A selection of steam era standard cargo objects from the game made available for placing as assets, in randomised and customisable groups and stacks. Including: Wooden Boxes & Crates, Wooden Barrels, Metal Barrels, Cable Reels, Wheelbarrow. They are for scenery only and have no affect on gameplay. All credit for the objects to Urban Games.
Available: Always
Where the options are set to Auto, this will randomly pick from the listed options, allowing lots of different looking groups to be placed quickly and look natural. Alternately you can customise the options to very similar results each time. Setting ‘1’ for the item numbers allows a single item to be placed.
Naturally the game’s standard shortcut keys can be used when placing these (you may have to click on the bottom button bar first):
n+m = Rotate
Pg Up / Pg Down = Height
+Shift = Smaller increments
Beware that since this mod creates a lot of individual objects, it takes a long time to delete them individually. (I’m not aware of a method for bulk deleting at present.)