Complement to the French signalisation

Complement to the French signalisation
Here is a complement of the French mod already existing in the workshop.
This pack is mainly reserved for people who know a little bit about signaling or want to add even more Rp to their party.
If you can’t see with their images, there’s a description for every signal with it’s opening and closing state.
Mod particularities:
Addition of the Carré with PR and BM cantonment plate in northern version and with nacelle
Addition of the Carré de Type C in the Carré or Carré Violet version in the north and with nacelle
Addition of Carré and IPCS announcement in north version and with nacelle
Ajout du Carré Violet de sorties de VUT en version nord
Addition of the Carré with PR and BM cantonment plate in southern version and with nacelle
Addition of Carré and IPCS announcement in south version and with nacelle
Addition of the Carré with PR and BM cantonment plate in modern version and with nacelle
Addition of the Carré de Type C in the Carré or Carré Violet version in the modern and with nacelle
Addition of Carré and IPCS announcement in modern version and with nacelle
Ajout du Carré Violet de sorties de VUT en version moderne