Generic British Engines Pack (DEPRECATED)

Generic British Engines Pack (DEPRECATED)
PLEASE NOTE, THIS MOD IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED: Please use the v2 available on my workshop!
I couldn’t decide on what engine I wanted to make next. The solution? Make a bunch of them. Like….a bunch.
Like a whooooooooole bunch.
So. Uh. This pack has 30 ‘generic’ engines in it, designed to represent some of the common engines found on pre-grouping railways in the UK.
And all 33 are available In 3 liveries – the blue shown above, as well as an unlined ‘freight black’ style livery that was common, and a gold-lined red livery as well (new!)
I’ve also included reverse variants.
And there are rusty placeable assets as well.
So uh…all in all? There’s about 120 different engine variants. And more than that for placeable assets.
To save on file space, but not my sanity, the models are made up of a bunch of common meshes, and everything’s kind of cobbled together in the .mdl files. It’s a bit complicated, but the long and the short of it is that the entire pack shares a bunch of common mesh assets, and everything is mapped to one set of textures. Which saves on file size. So you get a lot of mods for a fairly economic file.
These engines cover from 1850 right up until about 1915, so you’ll see everything from early 2-2-2s, all the way up to some big 0-8-0s and 4-4-2s – there’s even a small Garratt because I decided to inflict that kind of pain on myself for some reason. There’s also an absolute ton of small tank engines and shunters for your sidings and freight yards and such, and the placeable assets include rusted versions if you want to make some scrapyards as well!
Also important to note: while this is essentially designed to replace my earlier Generic Small British Tank Engines mod, the two are compatible, and you can use both if you want.
I’m not going to list all the engine stats below because I’d be here all day. I’ll also be adjusting them over the next few days, because balancing 30 locomotives all at once is next to impossible >.>
– 33 original engines, based on common UK engine designs ranging from 1850 to 1915(ish)
– All engines come in 3 liveries – a generic lined blue livery, and an unlined generic ‘freight black’ livery, and a red livery with gold lining (new!).
– Reverse variants for all of the above, resulting in a total of 120 engine variants to choose from
– Full aging and recolour support. Detailed dirt and rust accumulates as the engine ages.
– Engines are sorted in a single depot menu to reduce purchase menu clutter.
– Small file size and .dds compressed textures, to help with load speed.
– Lods to reduce GPU load.
– Placeable rail assets (also with lods) allowing placement of the full engine, or just the tender or locomotive if you wish.
– Aged/rusted versions of placeable assets.
– Moddable engine numbers – edit the number of the train and the number will display on the side of the locomotive.
Requests and Feedback
Constructive feedback is always welcome, and I love reading your comments, so if you have any notes on what I can improve, or just want to leave a nice message, by all means, please leave a post below!