Mini Individual Multi Compartment Truck Pack

Mini Individual Multi Compartment Truck Pack
This format evens out Item capacities.
This mod has been updated to carry Mail and Cars. You do not need these mods to load.
Each item still has it’s own capacity, although it shows just a Total Capacity when Purchasing not Compartments.
/ 50 = capacity for every item multiplied X how many Items = (Total Capacity).
Each Cargo Item has an individual capacity of 50
Works well with some cargo capacity multiplier mods, but not correctly with some other cargo capacity multiplier mods.
If anyone would like a Cargo multiplier, I recommend Capacity X scripts by LTDX. As these only affect capacity.
If you would like a small effect to this mod’s capacity, use h4e Cargo Capacity x (adds a small amount to total capacity)
All cargo all vehicles mod converts it back to a single-compartment truck.
Both Industries expanded, and Senseless mods added their cargo to what I have checked.
A Generous Transport Company defines price and running costs.
“Happy Truckin”