Mod for the ‘White Pass & Yukon Route: GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! GOLD!’ map Mod

Mod for the ‘White Pass & Yukon Route: GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! GOLD!’ map Mod
This mod is required for the “White Pass & Yukon Route: GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! GOLD!” map. It includes a range of objects, assets and scripts to make the map a little bit more Alaskan. Note: all 3D meshes that are used in this mod were taken from the built-in scenario’s and were not built by me. It includes the following:
• Several new industries:
Silver ore mine
Copper ore mine
Ocean and river ports
Mail office
Small forest
• Several new cargo types:
Copper ore
Silver ore
Prospectors (use passenger vehicles and cargo stations)
• A range of esthetic changes:
All city roads look like country roads to give it a more rural feel
The lakes and Yukon river was painted using a new river texture. Unfortunately this is necessary, as TPF2 does not support water on different levels.
Houses and shops were changed into small Alaskan houses and tents for prospectors.
The passenger and cargo stations and rail depot were painted red
• A script that adds a new cargo type to all vehicles in the game that can carry a specific existing cargo type. For example, all vehicles that can carry coal, can also carry gold.