NS PLan W (6 versions) Mod

NS PLan W (6 versions) Mod
NS Plan W carriage in 6 versions. Plan W is the name that the Dutch Railways gave to 50 railroad cars that were delivered to this company in the years 1966 and 1968 by Werkspoor in Utrecht
* Interior
* Visible passengers
* Animated doors
* Handy dandy organized in a set
cost: €1.89 M
top speed: 140 km/h
capacity: 22
cargo type: passengers
loading speed: 4 x
weight: 35 t
running cost: €129 K/year
lifespan: 40 years
available from: 1966-1982
available until: 1968-2003
NB: Specifications my vary based on the version .
Model by: Grimes Silberling
Texture by: yavianice
Based on: Finne plan W
Tested by: Froggy_NL