Station Expansion 1.0 Mod

Station Expansion 1.0 Mod
Looking for more variety in your station arrangements? Your passengers have to jump over the giant gap between train and platform way too often? This might help: More platform modules for passenger stations with smaller gap and variants for commonly used platform heights.
The platforms are available in heights of 38cm, 55cm, 76cm and 96cm (above track) in the designs of all eras. As the platforms have fewer assets than the vanilla versions, it is possible to add a waiting area for passengers with benches, clocks,… also for each era. If you add an vanilla underpass it will automatically adapt to the correct platform type as well as the platform roofs.
It should work fine with other station mods as well as CommonAPI – if not let me know 🙂
I also plan to add more design variants with future updates. Currently everything is based on vanilla models.
Note that the track distance follows german standards for minimum clearence, so the platforms might be to close for american and asian rail vehicles.